
Healthcare Transparency Reporting

BioNTech aspires to translate science into survival by developing new immunotherapies. As part of our research and development activities to achieve this goal, we are interacting with various covered recipients (i.e., healthcare professionals (HCPs), healthcare organizations (HCOs), patient organizations (POs), other covered recipients) to harness knowledge and best practices in the industry. We maintain our core values of integrity, transparency, and responsibility in our engagements with HCPs, HCOs, and POs. In line with legislations or industry association codices, BioNTech is committed to making transparent its interactions with such recipients by making the necessary disclosures in several countries across the world through the annual disclosure of these transfers of value.


US Sunshine Act

The US Sunshine Act was enacted in 2010 obligating applicable healthcare manufactures to disclose interactions with specified HCPs and HCOs. In line with this legislation, BioNTech discloses the transfers of value made to these recipients on the US CMS Open Payments platform.

US Sunshine Act – CMS Open Payments site

Questions? Contact us.

Other Countries

Our interactions with HCPs, HCOs and POs cover several forms of activities that support ongoing collaborations and an exchange of expert scientific knowledge. BioNTech is dedicated to maintaining transparency in these relationships through the annual disclosure of transfers of value for applicable obligations across the world.



Disclosure Platform


Disclosure Platform


2023 – Disclosure Report; Methodological Note

2022 – Disclosure Report; Methodological Note

Questions? Contact us.


Patient Organization Reporting

BioNTech is determined to improve the healthcare and well-being of people globally through fundamental research and development of immunotherapies. We donate to Patient Organizations to support their efforts in educating and providing information to patients, their families, and caregivers on diseases and potential therapy options.

Below are our disclosure reports for support provided to Patient Organizations.


2023 – Disclosure Report; Methodological Note

2022 – Disclosure Report; Methodological Note

Questions? Contact us.